Posts tagged BLOC Art Blog

Her latest series, centering around breastfeeding, boldly challenges societal norms, illuminating often-overlooked facets of motherhood. Through her art, Salazar seeks to dismantle societal constructs that have, at times, sexualized and concealed the natural beauty inherent in the act of breastfeeding. She openly discusses the sensual and nurturing aspects, challenging preconceptions and advocating for a profound understanding of the female body.  By naming and visually exploring experiences like motherhood, Salazar believes she provides a space for these topics to exist and be acknowledged, breaking the silence that societal norms often impose.

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Feature Artist Spotlight: Lucas Rueckner in Berlin's Creative City

Two and a half years ago, the Peruvian artist completed his search for the ideal creative haven in Berlin. The creative city is rough and riddled with distractions whilst his work exists in the blissful space between his memories, imagination and reality. How does he, or any artist for that matter, transform the indefinite cultural impulses into focused artistic production?

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A migration story in the writing: Illustrating the past with artist Helga Elsner Torres

Elsner Torres’ paternal great-grandfather emigrated from Germany to Peru. He fathered a child and around the time his son turned five, he left and was never heard from again. The few stories that remain are those that have been passed down by four generations. Today, his great-granddaughter lives and works in Berlin. Through her latest artistic project “Wo kommst du her?” she opens the discourse about migration to all, asking: “Where do you come from?”

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